About Janet

Growing up in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin with 2 sisters and 3 brothers, I didn't have much exposure to art, nor did I really pursue a career in art. While I loved drawing, doodling and creating things – even as an adult, I never really considered myself an artist. Even after getting married and working as a hair stylist and raising 3 children, I never listened to that small voice inside me telling me to create. It wasn't until after I was 63 years old and retired that I thought I'd try a painting class.

At first painting felt awkward and I couldn't make the canvas look like the picture in my head. However, as the tenacious woman I am, I kept at it and eventually fell in love with painting. I found that I couldn't put down the paintbrush and was always finding different subjects I wanted to paint. As they say, practice makes perfect, and with the encouragement of my art instructor, I entered some of my art into a contest. What a thrill for me it was when I won an award. From this point on I realized that this is my passion that I love to grow and share in.